Lucy is old enough now that she remembers trick-or-treating last year and is very excited to do it again. She also remembers the compliments she received on her costume last year (Candy Corn Princess) and how fun it was to see other people dressed up.
Figuring out a costume for Paige is easy. She was a pumpkin last year because that is what we dressed her in. She will be a cupcake this year for the same reason. Although she is too young to care about what she wears she is old enough to get excited about dressing up. It will be fun to watch her giggle and get excited about candy this year.
Lucy's excitement has her pouring over all of the Halloween catalogs we have received in the mail. She loves looking at all the options and often can be heard laughing out loud about some of the costumes. So far we haven't had the heart to tell her that there is a zero percent chance we are ordering the $78 magical mermaid costume that comes with a tiara for $14, a wand for $8 (almost like they are giving it away!?!?!), and sparkly cape for $48. Even if we won the lottery I don't know I could see myself dropping $150 on a outfit for one day.

This week Lucy received a Little Red Riding Hood dress for a belated birthday present from her special great Aunt Suzie. Lucy is now undecided about what to be for Haloween. We will certainly keep you posted on what she decides.
While her costume is still unknown, Lucy does have one halloween item fully prepared.

As discussed in the previous post, Paige of course have to give the pumpkin poem a try too.
Good luck to you on your costume selection and Halloween preparation.