Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Horse named Blog

It has been a while since I posted, so the purpose of the post tonight is to prove to myself that I have time to blog once in a while. Also, I like to post so when go to sleep tonight and sleep from around 11:30 until 3:30 (Paige will need a diaper change at that time), I can be pleased to have got back into blogging...or back on the horse named blog. Picture illustration of me on my horse named Blog below.

In actuality I don't think I am following the "Get back on the horse the bucked you" quote accurately. It isn't like my blog "bucked" me from my regular blogging routine. It was the arrive of Paige three and a half weeks ago.

First family shot on record!

It has been a lot of fun getting to know Paige. Naturally with a new born it is also a lot of work. Libby has been amazing, not only taking care of the dependent newborn around the clock, but also working with Lucy. Lucy has been a great older sister to Paige, but is still figuring out life with a little less exclusive mom time.

Lucy hasn't regressed at all with her potty training, which both Lib and I are pleasantly surprised by. Knock on wood, but I feel close to using the work trained to describe Lucy's potty situation. Sometimes it take a portable potty, Sesame Street, and a bag of Cheetos, but I guess that all still beats her going in her pants.

Although our house is a complete disaster and we are all fighting fatigue, we feel very blessed by Paige's arrival. I will close with a shot of the girls (a term I am still getting use to saying) "rocking" their tie-dye outfits.


  1. Hi Paul, So glad you are back to blogging - love the "picture" of you getting back on that horse! :) I am printing the last picture for my desk here at work - I love it! Congratulations again on being a great dad to Lucy and now PAIGE! xoxo - Auntie Em

  2. Ooh! "The girls"...I love it! Can't wait to meet your new addition!

    PS> Happy baseball to you!
